Winter, Spring ….Winter ?



It’s February 24th in Cincinnati and the projected temperature for the day is a high of 74. The projected high tomorrow is 44 with a possible dip below freezing at night. In my garden, daffodils are blooming along with the snowdrops and hellebore.

Daffodils (aka Narcisissus) are known as the marker of Spring, named for the mythological character Nacissisus, who was so enamoured of his reflection in the water that he couldn’t look away from it. Hence the downward tilt of the flower head. Apparently they are as confused as we are by the recent Winter weather patterns.

Narcissus are extensively used in gardens because they naturalize quickly and contain toxic crystals that deter deer and other pests as well as providing thousands of varieties which offer a multitude of colors shapes and sizes.The plants will be fine in cold weather and typically can handle the rapid changes that often occur , especially in our part of the country, as long as they are not in bloom. When the temperature threatens to  drop below freezing, I suggest you venture into the garden and cut yourself a nice bouquet  utilizing all the blooming daffodils before there is a chance for them to freeze. Keep in mind that you will need to soak the daffodils in water for at least 6 hours to detoxify them before it is safe to mix them in a vase with other flower’s blooms.


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